Monday, 25 July 2011

Goth on Tour 1, Manchester Day 2 (late)

Hi Everyone,

Sorry this is late but was shattered on Saturday night (and a little emotional as you'll find out if you keep reading) and then yesterday I didn't get home until nearly midnight (see the following 'Goth on Tour 1, Manchester Day 3 (late) )

Well, here's what transpired Saturday.

Got bus into the city centre, Norman checked the status of his ill-gotten gains from Stalag Sky (aka 'The Listening Company') and then we had a wander round to the Arndale Centre stopping briefly to chat and listen to a quartet of saxophone players.  In the Arndale Centre I managed to cross off one of my 101 things in 1001 days things as I HELD A SNAKE!!! round my neck and all (when Norman sends me the pic I will post it!).  I've been wanting to do this ever since I lost my fear of snakes.  I was misinformed for years that snakes were cold and slimy and ALL of them are dangerous.  While I still have a healthy respect for the fact that snakes are in fact, or COULD be dangerous and they ARE wild animals, I have educated myself to the fact that they are not in fact cold and slimy and if they have been fed and are Pythons they are not generally going to kill you!  So I held a snake.  Can't accurately tell you what it was but going on description I gave to Sophie (who used to keep snakes) it was a Royal Python.  Skoda were out with a green and yellow Fabia, the snake was for the wicked side and they were baking buns and stuff the other side... hey I can bake any day I like but I can't hold snakes every day!!

And then we went up to Rowntrees cafe.  I cannot go to Manchester and NOT go to Rowntrees!! *grin*  It's just simply not allowed!  Had my usual of Full English (complete with beans and mushrooms and black pudding, things I don't normally have... well ok, I have mushrooms now but even with Joel gone I don't get the others unless I'm out generally.... he still has that much influence over me!)

We went for a sit in Piccadilly Gardens and it was amusing watching the children running in/thru the water fountains they have there.  I kept getting sprayed with water so I'm sure 'someone' dear to our hearts was also playing too, since the children were just running up and down and very well behaved not splashing people or anything!!

And then.... drumroll please... yes it's THAT important!!!  I went to Affleck's Palace.  For those of you that don't appreciate what this momentous announcement is all about... Affleck's is a goth PARADISE... they sell every item a goth could possibly want!!  I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.  Never before have I seen so many bats, spiders, skulls, cobwebs (jewellery that is not in the corners lol lol) and the clothing, darlings I HAVE to lose more weight, they have THE most adorable burlesque stuff I want!!  And I need to win the lottery for the amount of silver/pewter jewellery I want to buy in there.  Poor Norman had to drag me out of there or we would've never got to the party!

Had a look around the market stalls (food mostly) at Piccadilly Gardens and got some fudge (Bailey's flavour for me, Choc Orange flavour for Norman) and cookies (Ginger for Norman, oat half-dipped in choccie for me) then went and sorted out tickets for the tram to Bury.

Had a short wait at Bury for the 510 bus, then went over to Richard and Katie's.  Katie was 62 years old, looks much younger.  Both Richard and Katie are blind, but that doesn't stop them having fun and both sighted and blind friends.  I imbibed rather a lot of red wine (probably about 4 largish glasses), ate some scrumptious food and we left about 9.15pm to catch a bus to connect us with the last tram back to Victoria (in Manchester that is).  While waiting for the bus me and Norman started chatting about the whole unfairness of life and I got a bit emotional.  Managed to sort myself out enough that I wasn't bawling.

We decided since we weren't in any rush for anything we'd use the loos at the bar at Victoria Stn, and then had a half... Guiness for Norman and Cider and Black for me... it was the closest to Snakebite and Black that they would sell me.  We toasted Joel and then started walking back.  Now I'd been getting lower and lower emotionally, possibly because of the bit of drink I'd had and partially because I was so tired so when I saw the sparkly fairy lights on the trees outside the Cathedral walking back and then memories of Joel standing on Victoria Bridge taking photos laying practically prone to get the right angles, it was just too much and I ended up literally bawling my eyes out missing him so much stood on the bridge with poor Norman not sure whether to hug me, leave me to it, pat my back or tell me to snap out of it.  I'm sure he wouldn't have done the latter but it was a very limp rag of me that got back to the hotel, tired, emotional, but a few kisses of every picture of Joel I had with me (about 7), taking make up off and putting PJs on and I fell into bed after packing what I could ready for the following morning....

The teary incident made me realise that I'm NOT coping as well as I thought.  Inside, both heart and mind are a MESS.  But I have to go on.  The one song (which I've been learning to sing for karaoke) which describes my feelings rather perfectly is this:

Not surprisingly, Joel really liked Evanescence and Amy Lee.  I've actually learnt a few of theirs now. Well I promised you random pictures of Joel every day so here's the one I was kissing each night I was away:

I have never seen such a SEXY picture of my darling... what am I talking about EVERY pic of my Joely is sexy, but this one is MORE sexy than ever!!

Will post day 3 later and what's been going on today!

Hugs to all my blog followers... love you all!

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